Overcoming Language Barrier Issues with Your Tenant

Overcoming Language Barrier Issues with Your Tenant

As someone with an international real estate portfolio, overcoming language barrier issues with your tenant can become a serious issue. After all, to ensure things run smoothly with your tenant, regular communication is often necessary. If you are concerned about language barriers with your tenants, keep these tips in mind to help with improving communication.

Tip #1: Use a Translation Service

All documents related to your lease and other tenant contracts should be professionally translated into the language of your tenants. Unless you are an expert in the language, attempting to translate the documents yourself can be disastrous. Similarly, you should never rely upon free websites to translate text, as words often have different usages within different cultures. Since these documents are legally binding, it is essential to have them worded correctly in order to keep your investment protected

Tip #2: Simplify Where Possible

When it comes to day-to-day communication with your tenants, you should use plain language whenever possible to assist with communication. Using jargon or overly technical words will only further complicate matters and make it difficult for you to understand one another. Similarly, you should never raise your voice or over enunciate your words. While you should talk slowly and clearly, you should not speak loudly or in a tone that is different from when you talk to someone who speaks the same language as you. These behaviors can lead to frustration and misunderstandings that put a strain on the tenant/landlord relationship.

Tip #3: Use Pictures

Sometimes, pictures can be helpful where words fail. Drawing pictures or using diagrams can help to explain topics that may be a bit more complicated to discuss. Hand gestures can also be helpful or pointing at certain objects can also be helpful, but be sure to understand cultural differences in communication so you do not inadvertently make a gesture that is offensive in some way.

Tip #4: Use Interpreters

To avoid unnecessary stress and complications with international tenants, it is a good idea to use interpreters to assist with communication. With the help of a trusted interpreter, you can be sure all information is successfully shared and no instructions are missed due to language barriers.

Tip #5: Use Repetition

Even when everyone involved speaks the same language, repetition is often necessary in order to get across certain points and to ensure everyone is on the same page. When a language barrier exists, repetition and ongoing clarification becomes even more important. To maintain clear communication, repeat expectations while also trying to find other ways to express the information that you are trying to share. This will help to compensate for any language barriers while also ensuring your tenants are well aware of your expectations and understanding of the situation.

If you wish to avoid dealing with language barrier issues altogether, you can trust Ankor to handle the communications for you. With our multilingual staff and years of experience assisting international investors and their tenants, we have the knowledge necessary to keep things running smoothly for you so you can focus on building your portfolio.

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